How Many Foreigners Work in Georgia?
By Gvantsa Gabekhadze
Wednesday, August 1

Lasts year's figure is 22, 718.
The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development conducted a special survey in 2017, according to which, foreign citizens are mainly employed in economic sectors, such as:
Construction - 5,560 employees (31.6% of total employment for foreign nationals).
Wholesale and retail trade - 4,757 employees (27%).
Transportation and warehousing - 13,866 employees (7.9 %).
Administrative and support services - 1,260 (7.2%).
Tourism - 1,231 (7%).
More or less equal number of foreign citizens is employed in professional, scientific and technical activities (848/4.8% employed) and refinery industry (728 /4.1% employed).
The modest number of foreigners is employed in healthcare and social services - 466 (2.7%), art, entertainment, and recreation - 350 (2%) and agricultural enterprises - 189 (1.1%).