Number of Tourists Up in Georgia in Q3
By Tea Mariamidze
Thursday, November 15

The data was published by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) on November 14.
As for year-on-year (y/y) increase, in 2018, a number of inbound visitors in Georgia was 2.2 million, which is a 10.2 percent increase compared to the same period of the 2017 year.
The majority of inbound travelers - 1,329,000 people, were aged from 31 to 50, while the rest - 47,400 people, were above 50.
50.8% of visitors arrived in Georgia for leisure or recreation (1,346,800 visits), while 441,700 people, (16.7%) arrived for transit to other countries. 15.7% of people visited friends or family, and 203,900 visits (7.7%) arrived on a business trip. Only 4.5% of travelers visited Georgia for shopping. 58,500 (2.4%) arrived - for health issues and 1.9% - for other reasons.
32% of tourists visited Tbilisi, followed by Adjara – 27%, Mtskheta-Mtianeti – 12%, Kvemo Kartli – 8% and Kakheti – 6%.
According to the data published by Geostat, most often the guests spent money on food and drinks. In particular, according to the data of the 3rd quarter of this year, each tourist spent the average 355.5 GEL on food and drinks during the visit, on accommodation - 303.9 GEL, followed by entertainment - 221.7 GEL.