Assault of Rustavi 2 journalists and illegal interference in their professional activities
Wednesday, December 5

Collecting information on election issues with the aim of disseminating it to the general public constitutes the matters of the public interest. Consequently, it is regrettable that the journalist and operator of Rustavi 2 were not able to perform their professional activity.
Any respondent has the right to refrain from answering uncomfortable and unacceptable questions raised by the media. However, this does not allow respondents to insult or assault journalists.
We welcome the fact that an investigation has been launched into this incident. It is essential however that the investigation is conducted in a fast and transparent manner so that society will not have reason to doubt its objectivity. Each person who had interfered with journalists rights to perform their professional activities and caused the damage of their equipment should be held accountable.
It is also worth noting that this is not the first time that Rustavi 2 journalists have become subjects of insults and physical violence while performing their work. High officials’ aggressive rhetoric and insults towards the TV company and its journalists is quite common, which encourages aggression from society against Rustavi 2 journalists. Therefore, it is especially important that this case is given appropriate legal qualification and be investigated quickly.
Transparency International Georgia is ready to provide the Rustavi 2 journalist and operator with appropriate legal advice, should they wish for it. (TI Georgia)