WHO Calls on Georgia to Maintain Regulations on Cigarettes
Wednesday, January 30

The organization believes that it is important to keep proper legislation and state policy, including regulation on tobacco products and electronic cigarettes.
Georgian office of the WHO released a statement on January 29, which reads that in 2016, Georgia's National Center for Disease Control and Public Health studied the use of tobacco in the 13-15 year old children in the framework of the US Disease Control and Prevention Center and World Health Organization.
The study found that 12.6 % of children of this age usually use cigarettes and 13.2% electronic cigarettes regularly.
40% of users of electronic cigarettes have never tried other tobacco products, while 39% regularly use tobacco. These figures reveal the nature and scope of the problem - New tobacco products and e-cigarettes are likely to attract new segments of consumers and are often the means to start smoking, which, in the end, increases nicotine dependency, the statement reads.
The WHO says that nicotine products for electronic cigarettes and hookah are regulated the same way as other tobacco products and the regulations adopted by Georgia in May 2017 should refer to such products too.
It is prohibited to use such products in closed public space, also their advertising, promotion and exhibition on shelves. The aim of regulations is to reduce and eliminate consumption of tobacco products in Georgia, especially in children and young people, the organization said.
According to the World Health Organization, because these products are relatively new, their negative effects on health are still a subject of study. However, it is already known that they have harmful effects on health.
WHO says the first results of the tightened legislation and the policy implemented by the Georgian government have already appeared, adding the number of smokers and tobacco consumers have reduced.
Tobacco regulations entered into force on May 1, 2017, in Georgia, according to which, smoking is prohibited in public areas and all kinds of buildings except houses, psychiatric clinics, penitentiary facilities and casinos.
Smoking of cigars is only allowed in cigar-bars and casinos where no food products are served.
Moreover, smoking ban applies to electronic cigarettes and Hookah as well.
Smoking is permitted in the airports but only in designated areas. As for public transport, smoking is restricted there, but taxis and open boats are exceptions.
Legal entities, which violate the ban and let people smoke in closed buildings, will be fined GEL 500 and if repeated, the fine will be doubled.
As for ordinary citizens, in case of violations, they will face GEL 50 fine but if repeated, they will be fined 100 GEL.
Smoking in public transport will be fined 100 GEL.