Number of Tourists in Georgia up by 5.9% in January
By Tea Mariamidze
Friday, February 8

The most significant increase of tourists was observed from Uzbekistan (+217.1%) Israel (+132.1%) Kyrgyzstan (+112%) China (+72.8%)and Saudi Arabia (+72.7%).
In addition, a positive trend was maintained from the European Union countries: Poland (+130.5%), the Czech Republic (+96%), Spain (+65.1%), Latvia (+63.5%) Germany (+46.6%) and Lithuania(+40.8%).
GNTA also said that in 2018, Georgia received $3.2 billion dollars (growth + 18.4%) income, which is $498 million more compared to the same period last year.
As of the I-III quarter of 2018, foreign tourism income in Georgia amounted to 2,571 million dollars (growth + 20.5%), which is 437 million more than the same year last year.
According to data from I-III quarter of 2018, the share of tourism in the GDP is 7.6%. The increase compared with the previous year + is 19%.
As for 2017, Georgia earned $2.7 billion (growth + 28.1%) from foreign tourism, which is $594 million dollars compared to the same period of the previous year.
By 2017, the share of gross domestic product was 6.8%. The increase compared to the same period of the previous year + 11.5%.
In terms of tourism, Georgia set a new record last year when it hosted 8,679,544 international travelers in 2018, showing an increase of 9.8% year-on-year (y/y). Of these travelers, 4,756,820 were tourists, which is 16.9% more compared to 2017.