Quality education for economic growth
By Nalifa Mehelin
Wednesday, April 17

For a beaming country with Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), it is rather surprising to see the slow, albeit non-present, growth in educational reform. Engrossed in the lucrative short-term growth through FDI is hindering the larger vision of accumulating long run advancement in human capital through education in Georgia. It’s time to address the queries of Georgia’s future; whether it will forever be sealed with FDI or Georgian workforce will become qualified and skilled enough to lead the country independently.
“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.”- Laozi. This proverb of the ancient Chinese philosopher proves the age-old, pan-civilization relationship of education and the skilled workforce. Much like its neighbors, Georgia is also spending a significant portion of GDP on education. In fact, World Bank data reveals the total expenditure on education as a percentage of GDPs for different countries. In 2015, the Netherlands, an FDI favored country, spent 5.4% of its GDP on education. The scenario is even more interesting closer to home where one of Georgia’s neighbors, Turkey spent about 4.3%, while the other prominent neighbor, the Russian Federation, spent 3.8%. In comparison, Georgia spent about 3.7% of its GDP on education.

Transparency International Georgia discloses quite a shocking fact about the teacher quality in Georgia. The report states, "As of 2017, only 30% of teachers were certified ones. In 2010-2017, only 25% of teachers who participated in certification exams could overcome the minimum threshold. The teachers of elementary schools, physics, information technologies, and mathematics have had the lowest scores.” In addition, the report claims that, in 2016-2018, on average 77% of students could successfully pass the final school exams, while this percentage was 84% in 2011-2015.

It is needless to say that access to quality education is imperative in today's times. Young Georgians are facing strong competition from workers all over the world, now more than ever. Although the government has announced new reforms on education, the challenge lies within its implementation. Emphasizing on investing in human capital, the “Georgia 2020” program reflects the Georgian government’s ambitious vision for the country’s development. Here’s hoping it is not too late beyond the point of forever sealed with FDIs.
Nalifa Mehelin works as an Associate Research Analyst at Innovations for Poverty Action, Bangladesh.