Geostat claims average salary in Georgia is GEL1092
By Tea Mariamidze
Tuesday, June 18

However, the highest average monthly salary was observed in Q 3 2018 GEL 1202.2.
During the last five years, the average salary per quarters looks as follows:
2014 Q1 GEL 795.5, Q2 GEL 864.4, Q3 GEL 850.8 Q4 GEL950.1
2015 Q1 GEL 855.9, Q2 GEL 934.0, Q3 GEL 930.1 Q4 GEL 1011.5
2016 Q1 GEL 913.0, Q2 GEL 973.7, Q3 GEL 980.6 Q4 GEL 1065.9
2017 Q1 GEL 989.4, Q2 GEL 1071.1, Q3 GEL 2069.1 Q4 GEL 1140.9
2018 Q1 GEL 1059.2, Q2 GEL 1103.5, Q3 GEL 1125.5 Q4 GEL1202.0
Geostat says that in Q1, 2019, the majority of sectors indicated the increase of the average monthly earnings compared to the first quarter of the previous year.
According to economic activity, the highest monthly earnings were observed in the following fields:
Financial and insurance activities 1894.3 (annual growth -17.8 percent);
Professional, scientific and technical activities 1799.0 Gel (annual growth 3.2 percent);
Information and communication - 1751.8 (annual growth 3.9 percent).
As for the monthly earnings by gender, in the quarter I of 2019 the average earnings equaled to 876.1 Gel for women, while 1294.1 Gel for men and the annual growth of earnings amounted to 58.0 and 22.4 Gel, respectively.
In the majority of sectors of economics the average monthly earnings of men were higher compared to women, the agency says.
Moreover, In the Q1 2019, the average monthly earnings of hired employees in business sector equaled to 1151.9 Gel (annual growth 45.4 Gel).
According to the economic activity the highest monthly earnings were observed in the professional, scientific and technical activities (2056.6 Gel, annual growth 2.5 percent) and information and communication (1776.6 Gel, annual growth 4.1 percent).
In addition to this, in Q1 2019 compared to the same period of 2018, the average monthly earnings of hired employees in the non-business and financial sector increased by 12.5 Gel and amounted to 993.1 Gel.
The highest monthly earnings were observed in the financial and insurance activities as well as in the public administration and defense sectors, Geostat reports.