The Prime-Minister shares the future development plans during a press conference
By Inga Kakulia
Wednesday, July 17

The Prime-minister said that the authorities set the development of Georgia’s mountain areas as a priority five years ago, and adopted the Law on the Development of Mountain Regions. The Head of Government spoke of the achievements of this law.
“The Fund for the Development of the Highlands of Georgia was established with a budget of 86 million GEL for 2016-2019. This amount will be used for financing infrastructural, agricultural, and various social projects in four years. Since its inception, about 185 million GEL has been allocated under various social programs, of which more than 23 million GEL issued to almost 15,000 beneficiaries as monetary assistance after the birth of a child, also 82 million GEL in additional pensions, almost 11 million GEL in addition to social packages, more than 12 million GEL in supplemental wages for medical personnel, about 20 million GEL to cover energy-related expenses for 90,000 beneficiaries, also 34 million GEL in supplemental wages for teachers and trainers. More than 300 enterprises and more than 20,000 individuals have benefited from the tax cuts under the Law,” Mamuka Bakhtadze stated.
But the Prime-minister informed the present journalists that even more ambitious plan has been developed for the following years:
“It is a long-term development strategy that will advance the development of Georgia’s highlands to a new level” Bakhtadze announced that to make this vision a reality, it is necessary to develop tourism, agriculture, and production in Georgian mountain settlements, also to provide the locals with social assistance through even larger projects, to ensure access to healthcare and other quality services, develop infrastructure, introduce innovative systems, to enhance access to public services, and others.
“These are our declared goals, and each is backed up by an action plan involving, among others, increased investments in infrastructure, notably in the construction and rehabilitation of ambulance stations, outpatient clinics, kindergartens, schools, water supply and sewage systems, roads, and tourism infrastructure, also the rehabilitation of monuments of cultural heritage, the creation of a unified electronic system, internet connectivity, and others,” Mamuka Bakhtadze said.
The prime minister also highlighted the role of the United Nations Development Program in the strategy’s development, the Head of Government emphasized.
Prime Minister of Georgia also talked about science as the fifth tier of education, being part of the national idea and accession of Georgian to the EURAXESS, platform enabling the international mobility and career development of scientists and researchers.
“Accession of Georgia into the EURAXESS is a tremendous step made forward towards regaining the level and magnitude in science that instilled pride in every Georgian citizen” -said Bakhtadze.
EURAXESS is the main platform for every European country, which supports and develops scientists and researchers. Apart from the EU states, it includes such countries of advanced science and technologies, like Japan, Israel, and others. Bakhtadze stated that accession of Georgia to the EURAXESS is a tremendous step made forward towards regaining the level and magnitude in science that instilled pride in every Georgian citizen. It is a step of tremendous importance for shaping Georgia into an education hub.
Accession into the platform will enable the local scientists and researchers to get engaged in the most significant projects in the history of mankind.
Another important topic covered during the press-conference was the state of socially vulnerable people in the country, specifically the challenges they face when buying medication.
“We have been working very actively on the mitigation of this problem. We will be considering this very important initiative at the Executive Government Meeting today, and adjustments will thus be made to the program of medication for chronic diseases. Current differentiation will no longer exist and together with the socially vulnerable, all other groups of pensioners, disabled and others will be able to purchase 35 trademark medication for a mere 1 GEL. These are mainly those prescribed for 6 chronic diseases in the following areas: cardio-vascular, thyroid gland, lung, diabetes, epilepsy, and Parkinson. I pledge that we will continue working hard towards minimizing the out-of-pocket payments of our citizens on medication, and we will deliver upon this promise by all means” concluded the Prime Minister of Georgia.
Bakhtadze also touched on EU-Georgia relations and noted that “Georgia’s European Way”, the recent conference that took place in Batumi is “the most large-scale international political event in the history of independent Georgia” Bakhtadze thanked all the European colleagues for the support and encouraging words and said that this conference has reaffirmed that Georgia-EU relations at an all-time high.