Silknet responds to latest highlights in media accusing big telco operators in oligopoly
Monday, October 21

As it is generally known, there is a decreasing trend of income generated by mobile operators mainly at the expense of declining revenues received from traditional voice and sms services. The same holds true for Georgia.
However, unlike the other European countries, where internet penetration is very high and market fully saturated, in Georgia we observe a growing trend, which entirely accounts for the major increase in income.
In order to stay technologically advanced and be a world-class service provider, Silknet needs to have his finger on the pulse of latest industry trends. As mentioned previously, local internet market is growing so is the demand of our customer on quality modern services.
Based on this, mobile operators have to make massive investments in the network and these investments are mostly spent on importing technologies. In order to maintain and permanently update network, company constantly incurs multimillion investments. This, in its turn rises a challenge, that increased income does not necessarily mean the increased profit. In some cases, profit even decreases, pursuant to above mentioned expenses.
But despite this challenge, in order to stay competitive on the market and satisfy our customers growing demands on internet, Silknet often offers various campaigns with attractive, affordable prices attractive to any subscriber.
As for the tariffs on internet (Price per GB), it shows a decreasing trend and is much lower in comparison with other (neighboring and European) countries.
Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that telco sector and particularly Silknet, is one of the country’s largest tax players, contributing to the development of Georgia’s economy every year. Besides, company makes significant investments in social responsibility projects for supporting culture and education.