MP Dimitri Tskitishvili discusses initiated Labor Code changes with HR specialists
By Levan Abramishvili
Monday, October 28

According to Dimitri Tskitishvili, the involvement of HR professionals in the discussion process is very important, as the representatives of this profession protect the rights of both the employees and the employers.
“It is important that HR professionals are involved in the review process as their profession is about protecting the interests of employees and employers. It is the representatives of this profession who seek to improve the labor rights and labor conditions to gain a higher profit from the company. As a result of this progressive approach, business is further developing and achieving success,” Tskitishvili noted.
On the initiative of the authors of the draft law, HR Professionals’ Association also got involved in the discussion of the new Labor Code, which is welcomed in the Association as well.
The President of the Association Sergo Nozadze explains that the involvement of HR professionals in the process is particularly important as the representatives of this profession have experience of putting the law into practice.
“It is vital that the HR Professionals’ Association is now officially involved in reviewing the bill. We believe we can achieve the best results in terms of refining the new initiative with equal participation of all parties. HR professionals are mediators in the organization between the employee and the employer and are responsible for the practical implementation of the Labor Code. That's why sharing their knowledge and practical experience in the process is so important. We believe we will achieve the best results with equal engagement,” said the President of the Association.
The bill's initiators discussed the package of amendments with relevant stakeholders numerous times. Multilateral meetings are attended by leaders of business associations, trade union members and representatives of civil society. Roundtable discussions with interested parties are expected to continue in the future.
A package of legislative reforms has been prepared in the Georgian Parliament with the support of the International Labor Organization (ILO) to establish new legal and institutional frameworks for the protection of labor rights. Many international organizations and donors, including the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the German International Cooperation Society (GIZ), and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), are also involved in the preparation of the bill and its public discussions. The purpose of legislative changes to the Labor Code is to improve labor standards and safeguards, both material and institutional, which will protect people from exploitation and undignified labor.