Signing Ceremony of the Three Projects Within the GGP Grassroots Human Security Grant Program of the Embassy of Japan in Georgia
Wednesday, November 20

1. Purchasing Medical Equipment for Nikozi Ambulance in Gori Municipality - within this project, medical equipment will be purchased for the Ambulance in Nikozi village, enhancing access to healthcare for war-affected population;
2. Providing Second Hand Fire Engine in Batumi Municipality – within this project, fire engine, with the capacity to reach tall buildings will be provided to Batumi municipality, which has seen increase in need for emergency equipment;
3. Purchasing Garbage Collection Truck for Ozurgeti Municipality – within this project, garbage collection truck will be purchased for Ozurgeti Municipality, as the city announced its Green Strategy and plans to introduce garbage segregation for cleaner environment;
Since the independence of Georgia, Japan has provided 176 grants within the GGP Grassroots Human Security Program, totaling over 17 million USD, in addition to other grant schemes. The GGP program aims to support human security in Georgia in the following priority fields: environment protection, agriculture, infrastructure, healthcare and education. The major principles behind the GGP program are overcoming poverty, sustainable development, inclusiveness and participatory growth.