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Wednesday, June 5, 2024, #104 (5665)

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Says US and EU Pressuring Sovereign States, Targeting Georgia

In an interview with TASS, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said that there might be an attempt to create another centre of tension near Russia's borders by changing the government in Georgia and implementing the Maidan scenario. (more)

Georgian Dream Introduces Draft Law Censoring LGBTQIA+ and Gender-Related 'Propaganda'

Chairman of the Parliament Shalva Papuashvili introduced a legislative package consisting of 19 laws, which includes provisions for prohibiting same-sex marriage, censoring broadcasters and art, and restricting freedom of assembly. (more)

The News in Brief

"MEP Thijs Reuten: Impose Sanctions on Ivanishvili and His Allies" (more)

Opinion & Analysis

US Set to Reveal Russian Agents Within Georgian Government

Before the veto was overridden, Radio Liberty reported that the US would disclose information it holds regarding Russian agents within the Georgian government, accompanied by sanctions, should the Georgian Dream succeed in overcoming the president's veto and ultimately enact the Russian law. (more)

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