Prices for banner
Homepage only
Top Banner: (your banner will be placed on the top
of the homepage of current issue)
USD 50 per month (or USD 15 per week)
Lower Banner: (your banner will be placed on the bottom
of the homepage of current issue)
USD 35 per month (or USD 10 per week)
Homepage & Articles
Top Banner: (your banner will be placed on the top
of the homepage & each article of current issue)
USD 60 per month (or USD 18 per week)
Lower Banner: (your banner will be placed on the bottom
of the homepage & each article of current issue)
USD 40 per month (or USD 12 per week)
Requirements & Notes:
a) Standard banner 468x60 px, swf / gif / jpg formats, below 12 kb.
b) No banners applied to the disclaimer / archive pages.
c) No banners applied to the old issues.
Please contact us with your questions. Call 995 32 939169
or e-mail:

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